Day Two was going to see us make two of the remaining projects. Each group had voted on the previous evening to see which two of the remaining three projects that we were going to complete as we would not be able to complete all three. Our group had decided to make the gift box and the Calendar.
It was made with Kraft card and the use of the Hougie Board and Spellbinders 2010 Heirloom Ornaments. Acetate was used to make the window and also a compartment on the left side to hold a tag, which was a nice idea. It also had a tab on the side of the box which was pulled to undo the box and put it what you wanted. As it was in red and white, this was not my favourite project of the weekend though.
It was a great weekend and the company was really great. The hotel and staff were great which just added to the weekend. Hopefully this is the first of many more crafty weekends with Jayne and Helene.